

MARILYN ANNE SIMLER, Painter,  Pittore, Ζωγράφος

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Copyright art and photos © Marilyn Anne Simler



Marilyn Simler trained in her native South Africa and in the U.K.

Although she left Africa in 1978 the impact of her South African roots stayed with her both consciously and unconsciously, and expressed itself through her art in terms of light, colour, and imagery. This African heritage provides the initial layer of her art. Through travel and study around the world subsequent layers were added. These influences included the impact of Italian frescoes, Byzantine mosaics, emblems and symbols of cultures as far apart as the Aztecs and India, all of which have been absorbed into her art.

Ultimately it is the interrelationship of these forms, colours and textures, which remain present in her work.

She has exhibited widely not only in the U.K. but also in South Africa, Australia, Italy and the USA.

Her work appears in both private, and public collections throughout the world.

She works in mixed media and has developed a unique style, which has been widely recognised by numerous awards including those granted by Middlesex University and the Zenith award in the National Print Exhibition 2000 in London.

Her most recent solo exhibitions have been at the West-Eleven Gallery, London 2005, The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London 2006 and the
Pryory Art at Curry Popeck, London 2009.



Marilyn Simler addestrati nella sua nativa del Sud Africa e nel Regno Unito.

Pur essendo lasciato l'Africa nel 1978 l'impatto delle sue radici sudafricano dormito con lei sia consciamente e inconsciamente, e si θ espressa attraverso la sua arte, in termini di luce, il colore, e le immagini. Questo patrimonio africani fornisce il livello iniziale della sua arte. Le spese di viaggio e di studio in tutto il mondo strati successivi sono stati aggiunti. Queste influenze incluso l'impatto di italiano affreschi, mosaici bizantini, emblemi e simboli di una cultura come lontani come l'India e gli Aztechi, che sono state assorbite nella sua arte.

In ultima analisi,  è l'interrelazione di queste forme, colori e texture, che rimangono presenti nel suo lavoro.

Ha esposto ampiamente, non solo nel Regno Unito, ma anche in Sud Africa, l'Australia, l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti d'America.

Il suo lavoro compare in entrambi i privati, pubblici e collezioni di tutto il mondo.

Lei lavora in mixed media e ha sviluppato uno stile unico, che è stato ampiamente riconosciuto da numerosi premi tra cui quelli concessi da Middlesex University e la Zenith di aggiudicazione e il National Exhibition Stampa 2000 a Londra.

Le sue piω recenti mostre personali sono state al West-Undici Gallery, Londra 2005, The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London 2006 e
Pryory Art at Curry Popeck, London 2009



Η Marilyn Simler σπούδασε στην πατρίδα της, την Νότια Αφρική και στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο.

Παρά το γεγονός ότι έφυγε από την Αφρική το 1978, ο αντίκτυπος των ριζών της Νοτίου Αφρικής έμεινε μαζί της τόσο συνειδητά όσο και ασυνείδητα, και εκφράστηκε μέσα από την τέχνη της σαν φως, χρώμα, και εικόνες. Αυτή η αφρικανική κληρονομιά προσφέρει τη βάση της τέχνης της. Μέσω ταξιδιών και μελετών σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο προστέθηκαν τα επόμενα στρώματα. Στις επιδράσεις περιλαμβάνονται ο αντίκτυπος της ιταλικής τοιχογραφίας, βυζαντινά ψηφιδωτά, εμβλήματα και τα σύμβολα πολιτισμών τόσο διαφορετικών όσο των Ατζέκων και της Ινδίας, οι οποίες όλες έχουν απορροφηθεί από την τέχνη της.

Τελικά είναι η αλληλεπίδραση αυτών των μορφών, το χρώμα και η υφή, που παραμένουν παρόντα στην εργασία της.

Έχει εκθέσει ευρύτερα, όχι μόνο στην Αγγλία αλλά και στη Νότια Αφρική, την Αυστραλία, την Ιταλία και τις ΗΠΑ.

Η δουλειά της εκτίθεται τόσο σε ιδιωτικές όσο και δημόσιες συλλογές τέχνης σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Εργάζεται με μικτά μέσα και έχει αναπτύξει ένα μοναδικό στυλ, η οποία έχει αναγνωριστεί ευρέως από πολυάριθμα βραβεία συμπεριλαμβανομένων εκείνων που χορηγούνται από το
Middlesex University και το Zenith στην Εθνική Έκθεση χαρακτικής 2000 στο Λονδίνο.

Η πιο πρόσφατες ατομικές εκθέσεις έχουν γίνει στη
West-Eleven Gallery, Λονδίνο 2005, The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Λονδίνο 2006 και
Pryory Art at Curry Popeck,
Λονδίνο 2009